Happy Valentine’s Day!

I’m Charles and I have been chosen to wish everyone a Happy Valentine’s Day from all the Love and Hope kitties. We want everyone to have a loving and joyful day. 
As you can see, I am very handsome, very regal (often referred to as Prince Charles), and I love everyone and I love to be loved. 
I am also Feline Lukemia (FeLV) positive.
I am very fortunate to be here at the Sanctuary where I have made friends (both feline and human). I want to thank everyone whose support has made my life possible.
Yearly Physicals

As Manuel is telling everyone, the time has again rolled around for our 200+ cats to received their yearly physicals. It is a time consuming labor of love where each cat is thoroughly examined by our wonderful vet, any necessary vaccines are updated with annual deworming, teeth examined and all dental work performed. Then a bath and a mani/pedi and each one is ready for spring. 

A donation of $25 will help us keep two of our cats healthy and happy. 
Please considering a one time contribution (by CLICKING HERE) toward this yearly expense or sponsor your very own kitty (by CLICKING HERE).
Thank you!

The Fab Four

A few weeks ago we were delighted to receive pictures of Portia’s four babies from their adopters. These darlings are now a year old and were super blessed to all be adopted by the same couple. We’re so pleased to be able to share these with you as a further depiction of the miracle that is our Portia.
ImageWe understand that Sparky rules the house, Lady Day is refined and lady like, Lola is the adventurer and Valentino the “goofball”. The couple that adopted this precious and rambunctious bundle are truly extraordinary human beings who have not only provided them with a fabulous and loving home but they have also provided a special and miraculous chapter in Portia’s tale.
